Late last summer I was enjoying an antique shop in Okoboji, Iowa - a wonderful resort area near us - & spotted a very old quilt hanging off the door of an old Hoosier cabinet. The simplicity of the old quilt just grabbed me; 'ya know how that goes. So I had to snap a picture of it hanging there to share with you.
This quilt is my inspiration for a little brown basket quilt of my own doing. I've begun the baskets by designing them in EQ - making them 4 1/2" square on-point.
Now I believe this old quilt's been sewn by simply appliquing the baskets on muslin in rows. But my baskets are pieced with appliqued handles made from bias strips. I began with 5 fat quarters of Jo's pajama prints - beige off-white - not too white & 10 of Jo's brown fat quarters for the baskets. They really are coming together nicely. I should be able to share a digital with you soon.
Have a great day & don't forget to visit & support your local quilt shop tomorrow! I'm sure they'll have some super bargains to share with you!