Sharon & I spent the first three days home from market sewing a new Soldier's Quilt! Yes, sometimes it is just great to sew & sew & sew! Since the fabric came right before we left for market, we had to wait until returning home to really get into the yardage, cut & sew!
It was amazing how close the new fabric is to the old. We had the old quilt from the 1800's right here to look at while we sewed new blocks!
What a thrill! It's just unbelievable that the technology of today can accomplish that reproduction so perfectly.
The fabric should be hitting the shops soon. And the pattern A Soldier's Quilt is all ready to go; it was written specifically for this fabric line.
Market flew by so quickly & here we are 2 weeks past & still busy. Took time to plant some tomatoes & peppers this morning quickly & with all the rain we've had, they should do good. Some of the tomato plants already had blossoms!
You may have seen the market booth on facebook, but I really never got many good pictures. We had two grandchildren graduating that weekend which really added to the time crunch of the whole weekend. Many thanks to friends who manned the booth & took it all down; I am very thankful for friends like that! Many good things always come from attending market & this market was no exception! Two more of our quilts will be appearing in Quiltmania in the future! That is always exciting! I love their magazine & their photography is fantastic! It's just a thrill to see the things they do with your quilts for their magazine! And I love visiting with the French ladies! Our fabric lines drew a lot of attention from shop owners & market goers! My yardage just arrived two days before we left for the show, so I barely had time to cut fat quarters to take along for the booth. But we had them there, so buyers could feel the quality of the fabric & see the rich colorations! You can see the whole line at P & B Textiles/Washington Street Studio ! Both Flying Geese & Friendship Ring are there to see! A note from a friend this morning directed me to the website of Heirlooms by Ashton House. This gal is from Adel, Iowa, & included nice comments & pictures of friends at market & our fabric. With all the work that goes in to these market booths, it is always nice to be noticed. Check her out; you may want to follow her blog! I know I am! Have a cool day!