I have to say though that it was amazing how it just set down on top of every door handle & chair & table or anything outside during the storm. It just piled it's 5 inches, then quit! Ah, Mother Nature . . . she cannot be outdone!
Table Cozee II |
Back to quilting --- Here's the little red Table Cozee of Cumberland Fabrics just bound & finished. These are the little scallops shown at the recent retreat; I finally decided that I like the smaller doubled scallops on each side of this one. Use Darlene Zimmerman's Easy Scallop tool; it is easy indeed!
And while I'm talking about space, I have completely cleaned up & organized my working space just last week. You know, when you need to cut a backing for a new project & you can't find any open space on your table. You finally say, enough is enough, & clean off that table vowing you'll never let it get that bad again. Well, then you move to another space & begin organizing there & around the room you go.
Well, what a wonderful feeling to have open space once again!
I think I won!
Back to work!